- (?), (?) to Allan, Patricia Ann
- Allen, D. Wayne to Barton, Wayne Ralph
- Basford, Elizabeth to Boaden, Richard Bowden
- Boardman, Arthur to Bucknell, Merle Richard
- Bucknell, Michael to Casciato, Victor Anthony
- Case, Jaqueline to Cook, Robert Wayne
- Cooke, Elizabeth to Daniel, Robert Cross Jr.
- Daniels, Eliza to Drew, Jessie
- Drew, Joseph to Estes, Sylvanus
- Estes, Vinal W. to Ganter, Ryan Charles
- Gardner, Elizabeth to Gray, Willie Carlton
- Greeley, Ethel to Hastings, Jane
- Hasty, Mary Anne S. to Holt, William Harold Jr.
- Holzworth, Elizabeth to Im, Young-Soon
- Imbiorski, Irene to Keene, Sarah
- Keffer, Elizabeth Ann to Lassell, Joshua
- Lauder, Agnes Gordon to Lyford, Winnifred Mae
- Lyles, Ella to May, William Moro
- Maya, William Stuart Romer to McKusick, Alfred
- McKusick, Alfred to McKusick, Hannah
- McKusick, Hannah Jane to McKusick, Nellie Sophie
- McKusick, Nettie to Merrill, Tonia
- Merry, Benjamin G. to Nearhoof, Susan
- Neeb, Gladys Mae to Peric, Asja
- Perkins, Alexander James to Rasmussen, Noble A.
- Ray, Alveretta to Romer, Keith Campbell
- Romero, John to Sheridan, Kevin Timothy
- Sherman, Cherie Raquel to Steggall, Roy L.
- Steinhilber, Frederick George to Thibodeau, Troy Adam
- Thimann, Linda Arden to Ward, Thomas
- Warken, Amber Laurie to Wolf, Jerome
- Wolfe, Gertrude G. to Zweig, Lauren Sue